It only costs one dollar to get your mail forwarded to your new address for an entire year! It’s very simple.
Forward Mail
Your water service may be paid through the county you live in. However, many of the Central Kentucky residents are customers of Kentucky American Water. To visit their website, click the link below.
Kentucky American Water
By using the link below, you can see ALL of the electric service providers in the state. If you type in your new address, the map will show the location of your new home with a color or pattern covering it.
Enter your address in the text field. It is located in the upper right portion of the screen. Then hit enter.
Click on the blue marking pin that shows the location of your home.
Click on the white, triangular arrow twice. You will see the company name of the electric service provider for your new address.
Start here: Interactive electric service area map
Below is a list of the most common electric companies in Fayette County and the counties immediately surrounding it:
IF your new home has natural gas, click the link below for an easy map of which providers service which counties.
Click the link below to find which cable and internet companies service your area:
Find out which schools are in your county and what schools your address is assigned to by using the links below.